Monday, August 6, 2012

Solavei - Join With Me

This is me.  Yes, I am doing a duckface.

Hi! My name is Jeannie. 
I am getting ready to drop my Sprint account and move to a new cell phone company called Solavei. Not only will I get awesome $49/mo. Unlimited Talk, Text and Data 4G Nationwide with No Contracts, but I will be able to get a really cool new smartphone because of the money I will be saving.

Some of my personal cell phone bill facts:

#1 Right now, I pay $165/month for 2 phones from Sprint.

#2 Switching to Solavei INSTANTLY saves me $66/month or $804 for the whole year.

#3 Telling my friends and signing them up means I get COMPENSATION for my efforts for sharing Solavei.

Some things I did not know:

1. The rest of the world is contract-free. America is the only nation with 2-year locked-in contracts.

2. Solavei is in a pre-launch stage - before Solavei launches publicly, you have the opportunity to "get in" with a head start. MORE TIME to tell your friends = MORE SAVINGS.

3. Even when the Economy is bad and a family with 2 cars gives up 1, everyone still keeps their cell phones.

4. 51% of smartphone sales are Android. 30% is Apple. The rest is made up of Blackberry (on the way out) and Windows Mobile.

happy kitty
This is what it is going to feel like when you have 

Have you seen the Vision Video? 
If you haven't seen the video, watch it now! It will explain how Solavei got started.
It is now available in English and Spanish.

When you are ready to JOIN, please email me and I will send you an Invitation to Solavei.
Or just fill this form in now.

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